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Cancer the future is a mystery and there's never a guarantee of what it shall bring. You are surrounded by opportunities but you have no idea which ones to explore.

Find out your future! What will your April 2022 Astrology look like? It's time to find out! Get your answers with our monthly astrology predictions.

To explore what lies in store for you in April 2022, simply use our Astrology Wix app to find out! We also provide unlockable clues for each individual star sign that can help guide your life journey from year to year. With our Wix app, you'll know what to do next so that your fate won't be just a question mark anymore!

Cancer you may have achieved a lot last month & also dug deep in soul searching. Many of you may have felt tired during March. You will be happy to know ,you will have more energy in April 2022.

You may have a lot on your plate in April 2022 pace your self in the first week. It will be key to have faith & patience, what ever is been handed to you you were made for. Trust your skills and abilities.

For many of you between the are of love work and wellness one could say you have had your fair share of challenges of late. This month kicks off with all systems go, viewing you in a whole new way. Our New Moon In Aries on the 1st of April 2022 shifts your Venus house for deep healing for a new cycle.

With our last full moon in Virgo last month, linking to higher heart chakra , the Aries moon linked to Aries in Chiron will aid in our healing of courage. It may not feel such at first. Although being a New Moon can link to new beginning's our thoughts actions and feelings may not automatically feel such at the time.

One may feel like their identity is affected in a certain area of life being that this is the 1st house in astrology. For each of us this is more personally located and activated in varies areas as an additional shift.

The best way to describe Our Chiron Energy during this New Moon Is the Movie "LUCY" as "Scarlett Johhansson" moves back in time seeing all life prospective. Chiron in mythology the wounded healer can during this time activate fresh starts.

Our shadow work done will open us up to a whole new way of living being and existing. Its here for life success.

Here is your update for the month of April 2022, lets see what you must know for the month & what to be mindful of. I use my background as an Astrologer, a Psychic Medium, soul coach & tips to balance your chakras for wellness during each transit.

This month has us with x3 Moon Transits one being Our Partial Solar Eclipse. I will be doing individual additional Moon updates as we move through the month. More over within our subscription hub we dive deep at an individual level further in.

Our shadow phase of our Pending Partial Eclipse In Taurus will be felt , keep such in mind and join our Webinar for support. Many had been feeling such back in March 2022 even though its occurring on the 29th-30th April 2022.

As a Venus sign this can hit you Libra in a very Personal level, changes in you your partnerships contracts connection's and linked to those areas big changes with individuals around us.

With both the North Node In Taurus & our Partial Solar Eclipse in Taurus , bold changes can occur. The area of life for you as an individual can shake life up. Partial Solar Eclipses can play out in ways we never expected and provide breakthroughs. Get ready for a wild ride of twists & turns with surprises in ways never felt possible.

Will we resist the change, the opportunity with fear during this time? What? Where? Why? When & How? Lets see here & inside your Star sign Subscription below.


Cancer when it comes to Venus this month some may have a bold vision, some may have plans associated with the bigger picture. Our New Moon In Aries on the 1st of April kicks off your romantic sector with facing your fears & values. You are being lunged into the deep end with connections this month. Being that Aries is 1st house for all in the mix its personal to all of us.

When we look at Venus we think the planet of love, we also this month have heavy placements in the house of Pisces. Juno will retrograde in the house of Pisces this year. She like Venus is an asteroid linked to marriage in astrology.

When here retrogrades kick off generally always with a Bang, a shift in connections will bring big RELATIONSHIP tests. Keep an eye on this month for slight glimpses of subjects & know each of us has this placement in our charts.

This month on the 5th of April 2022 Venus Moves into Pisces I hope were ready to see the writing on the walls of our human Psychology in those areas. The desire for change to become the dream not dream the dream.

Venus connects at a collective & personal level as money, beauty ,trade, contracts, value.

Our conditioning and value systems in belief will be tested, more over our creativity can come out of no where. Know how to use this to benefit you.

In relation to Venus areas of life we all will be looking at values, connections beliefs wealth self esteem courage trade employment food past times. Some of such to mention more areas can come up


You can have big plans this Month Cancer in the area of love, You will be bold in love & want give and take. You may also be more social in the month. It will be important to be patient and kind to self during the first week. cross wires & fatigue can make us a little more frustrated atm.

Blasts from the past and history can be delt with, I do see this being a long term positive time to heal old wounds. I also see changes that come to a head or an end in family.

This can also make more sense by months end.

Romance can be shifting during this time for both Singles & Couples. It will be important to know what we are looking at in a logical healthy way.

Blasts from the past wishing to heal wounds with you you more over will be doing the same.

Mid month with our Full Moon In Libra on the 16th Of April can bring issues of values, justice & balance up. We more over may have areas that require a judgment during this time. Being the moon is in a Venus house. We may feel venerable and wish for justice caution on how you seek such.

You may wish to be more social in love & connections this month wishing to connect. Not running away with the dream may be tough this month to stay focused on the true value. Other areas may suffer if we don't navigate our energy into correct areas this month leading to karmic mess come May 2022.


Growth and added stress can come from our routine & the things you do this month can be super busy. You can have a surprise event in the area of career be ready stay ready. Ps keep calm.

This month shows you your potential it can challenge you beyond your belief. Its suppose to build you up. Its showing truth in character. It may not feel easy, but its in the true core of such we find our real potential rebirthed. Males on the planet will be expected as well as females.

Yin to Yang notion this month we challenge to embody both, Cancer you are the embodiment of emotions intuition nature and co creativity. You also at that level have that skill in hand. Now you have that brute force to take the challenge and expand.

This does not mean it shall be easy, it also means were put in a pressure cooker to test our truth & passion. We may need additional guidance to see the good parts the tips and where challenges come from. I do dive deeper within our Star Sign Career hub in our subscription hub should you wish to dive deeper.


In the area of career this month with our astrology many will be boldly making mover shaker moves into securing a more stable status. More over your energy will be heightened and you may be more direct or grumpy. Regardless as for energy, this month will provide more action.

Depending on the type of industry your in the key will be change, success and actions required on your end for such. With acceptance of where we are, along with the map of our Astro-Cast one may use such to gain momentum.

Mid Month with our shift we may move into finding ways to seek balance. It more over could feel like for some its time to shift. This could be into new positions, new employment or a more balanced approach.

Months End you can find our tension is high, we have possibilities of changes coming in unexpected ways. With our Partial Solar Eclipse In Taurus 29th April 2022 can shake life up.


You may be feeling run down tired and burnt out, subjects regarding family, siblings may have been delt with. You may have this reach its point in April. It may take you a moment.

You will be looking at wellness out side the box, is it eat prey repeat is it mind body soul? Both are equal.

Self worth psychology, 3D eating emotions schedule all will be key. Managing your engine in the month of April 2022 & between now and your whole future is KEY. Our stars signs vip get week by week tips for these areas and for you i can say the following.

You can feel more triggered or tense relating to the things you do, be cautious in the first 8 days. Energy of food can affect aggression and energy don't under or over feed your BASE CHAKRA OR SACRAL CHAKRA NOW!!!!!

Last month with our transits many may have felt tired, anxious & fatigued. By mid month we then moved into high gear with Aries placements. Each of us individually has via astrology our chakras have different ways this may have played out.

Being at an emotional level Mars linking to our new moon may be extreme emotions. It can be heightened. It would be wise to be aware our our inner emotions affecting our external world.

You will need to be cautious of stress & how to manage your energy during the month. Emotions will be on high as we have x3 moon transits this month. Mid month we may go into over eating.

With Venus in Pisces this month we may be more inclined to eat & drink more. One must be cautious of using things to deal with tension. More over due to transits linking to Taurus ,our wellness this month will be charged.

During our Partial Solar Eclipse In Taurus On the 29th April 2022 I suggest eating food groups that link to balancing our Nervous system. This is NOT MEDICAL its astrology, always seek professional advice designed and advised by them. This is transit related and tips relating to such.


We go deeper into your chart week by week with Diet Crystal therapy Meditation & more within. get the full benefits by joining our Star Signs Subscription below to view the VIP updates. Join us for the benefits to stay balanced in what we call in the collective our Ascension Report.


I would like to thank our Subscribers who have joined as well as those of you who have joined our Paid Subscriptions Online. This will further support in new content education & stability for the expansion of content yet to come. With out you this would not be possible.

I extend my great thanks to those who have decided to invest in them self in personal development as well as on this platform. Thank you for sharing this experience with me!



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